Shanghai - vintage love


Die Tage in Shanghai waren großartig. Ich habe mich sehr in die Stadt verliebt: vintage-multi-kulti, perfekt für eine China-Pause. 


Hotel-Tipp: URBN

Chinas erstes CO2-neutrales Boutique-Hotel. Es wurde aus alten Steinen und Hölzern von abgerissenen Shanghaier Häusern gebaut. Super gut gelungenes eco-vintage-Design. Nicht nur für das beste Frühstück in der Stadt hat es viele Preise gewonnen!

[China's first carbon-neutral hotel. The URBN was built using bricks and hardwood s reclaimed from bulldozed local buildings, with intriguing results. Rightly awarded for the best breakfast in town!]

- William the Beekeeper,

  84, Fengyang Lu

 (the boutique offers a collection of one-off pieces by

  locally designers, along with retro accessoires and pots

  of organic wildflower honey from Hawaii)

- Emporium

  526 Huaihai Zhong Lu, No. 4, 

- Up Town

  115 Pingwu Lu


In der Moganshan Road findet man den M50 Art Industrial Park. Interessante Galerien und Design-Shops. Süß fand ich die kleine Lee Gallery, in der gerade eine Ausstellung von Lin Hairong zu sehen ist.

[The M50 Art Industrial Park is located at Moganshan Road. You'll find interesting galleries and Design-Shops there. In the cute little Lee Gallery I saw the exhibiton of Lin Hairong. Very nice illustrations.]

click through!

In den ehemaligen Shikumen des Tianzifang findet man ein Labyrinth an kleinen Kunstshops, Eco-Fashion, handgemachten Accessoires, Galerien, Cafés, Restaurants,... Mein Lieblingscafè: das Da Li Garden! In der angrenzenden Taikang Road sind nette Boutiquen, Einrichtungsläden, Cashmere-Shops und ein toller japanischer Designshop.

[In the former Shikumen of Tianzifang, the labyrinth alleys are filled with boutiques and cafés, handicraft shops, galleries and accessoires... My favorite café is the Da Li Garden! Next to Tianzifang is the Taikang Road, full with lifestyle items and nice boutiques.]

...walk down the Nanchang Lu, where you can find elegant shoe makers and tailor boutiques...


...have a lunch brake at Pasha, a cute turkish vintage restaurant, where you can sit on the little french balkony under the sycamore trees...


...have a cup of coffee in this lovely book store Lao Shi...


...walk to the Bund and have a special lunch in Table No.1 by Jason Atherton on the ground floor of the Waterhouse at the South Bund boutique hotel. Modern European cuisine in a stylish dining room and cortyard terrasse. This guy is cultivating his own rooftop herb garden!


...have a glass of crémant in the roof top bar M-on-the-Bund with a gorgeous view over the Bund, the Huangpu River and Pudong...

 ...honestly, if you like unique shops, don't go to the Nanjing Xilu. Stay in the French Concession or see local bizzarre chinese life instead! Walk directly to the peoples square to Jiangyin Road. There you can find cricket markets! Some Chinese People love to put them in miniature cages and listen to their "music".


...visit the Foreign Language Book Store in Fuzhou Lu. They have plenty of interesting Design Books!!


...have a spicy dinner at Coconut Paradise Thai Cuisine. (Reservation neccessary!) No.38, Fumin Road


...get a brandnew haircut by Emanuele at Contesta Rockhair in the French Concession, 733 Julu Road. With an italian lifestyle mood have Spaghetti Vongole for dinner at Dolce Vita. Hunan Cuisine: Di Shui Dong, 56, Maoming Road; while you are here: around the corner in Jinxian Road are great lifestyle shops!

As in every chinese city I look urgently for good art suppliers, I hunted them down also in Shanghai:

- Marie's Painting Materials,

  850 Xikang Road

- Pebeo Space, M50,

  Moganshan Lu, Building 0 (here you can find a lot

  off art stuff for kids like window colour, ceramic and

  glass colour, DIY,...)

- Jin Ni Art Equipment Center,

 480 Fuzhou Lu

- Hui Feng Paper Store,

 303 Fuzhou Lu

- Studio 1, Scrapbook Store,

 1086 Zhu Guang Road (13:00-17:00)

- Crayola Art Supplies,

 200 Fujian Zhong Lu, 2/F

- Shanghai Waigo Hobby,

 Hongku Football Stadium, 444 Dong Jiang Wan Lu
 one of the beautiful Spas of Dragonfly :-)


Whatever you choose, enjoy Shanghai!

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Sari (Donnerstag, 18 Oktober 2012 10:50)

    I like, I like, I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like,I like, I like!!!!!

    Sieht so cool aus da. Echt kein Vergleich zu Dalian!